To import this module:
from python3_capsolver.cloudflare import Cloudflare
- class python3_capsolver.cloudflare.Cloudflare(api_key: str, captcha_type: CaptchaTypeEnm | str = CaptchaTypeEnm.AntiTurnstileTaskProxyLess, **kwargs)¶
The class is used to work with Capsolver AntiTurnstileTaskProxyLess captcha solving method
- Parameters:
api_key (str) – Capsolver API key
captcha_type (CaptchaTypeEnm | str) – Captcha type name, like
and etc.kwargs –
additional params for client, like captcha waiting time available keys:
sleep_time: int - captcha solution waintig time in sec
- request_url: str - API address for sending requests,
else official will be used
>>> from python3_capsolver.cloudflare import Cloudflare >>> from python3_capsolver.core.enum import CaptchaTypeEnm >>> Cloudflare(api_key="CAI-12345....", ... captcha_type=CaptchaTypeEnm.AntiTurnstileTaskProxyLess) ... .captcha_handler(task_payload={ ... "websiteKey": "0x4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", ... "metadata": { ... "action": "login", ... "cdata": "0000-1111-2222-3333-example-cdata" ... } ... }) { "errorId":0, "errorCode":"None", "errorDescription":"None", "taskId":"db0a3153-621d-4f5e-8554-a1c032597ee7", "status":"ready", "solution":{ "token": "0.mF74FV8wEufAWxxxx", "type": "turnstile", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 xxxx" } }
>>> from python3_capsolver.cloudflare import Cloudflare >>> from python3_capsolver.core.enum import CaptchaTypeEnm >>> Cloudflare(api_key="CAI-12345....", ... captcha_type=CaptchaTypeEnm.AntiCloudflareTask) ... .captcha_handler(task_payload={ ... "websiteURL": "", ... "proxy": "ip:port:user:pass", ... }) { "errorId":0, "errorCode":"None", "errorDescription":"None", "taskId":"db0a3153-621d-4f5e-8554-a1c032597ee7", "status":"ready", "solution":{ "cookies": "cf_clearance=_VPxxxx", "headers": { "sec-ch-ua": ""Chromium";v="130", "Google Chrome";v="130", "Not?A_Brand";v="99"", "sec-ch-ua-platform": ""Windows"", "accept": "text/html,axxxx", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0xxxx", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-fetch-user": "?1", "referer": "", "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", "accept-language": "en", }, "page_url": "", "proxy": "your proxyxxxx", "token": "_VPCTZXP5bhinxxxx" } }
>>> import asyncio >>> from python3_capsolver.cloudflare import Cloudflare >>> from python3_capsolver.core.enum import CaptchaTypeEnm >>>"CAI-12345....", ... captcha_type=CaptchaTypeEnm.AntiCloudflareTask) ... .aio_captcha_handler(task_payload={ ... "websiteURL": "", ... "proxy": "ip:port:user:pass", ... })) { "errorId":0, "errorCode":"None", "errorDescription":"None", "taskId":"db0a3153-621d-4f5e-8554-a1c032597ee7", "status":"ready", "solution":{ "cookies": "cf_clearance=_VPxxxx", "headers": { "sec-ch-ua": ""Chromium";v="130", "Google Chrome";v="130", "Not?A_Brand";v="99"", "sec-ch-ua-platform": ""Windows"", "accept": "text/html,axxxx", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0xxxx", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-fetch-user": "?1", "referer": "", "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", "accept-language": "en", }, "page_url": "", "proxy": "your proxyxxxx", "token": "_VPCTZXP5bhinxxxx" } }
- async aio_captcha_handler(task_payload: Dict) Dict[str, Any] ¶
Asynchronous method for captcha solving
- Parameters:
task_payload (Dict) – Some additional parameters that will be used in creating the task and will be passed to the payload under
key. LikewebsiteURL
and etc. more info in service docs- Returns:
Dict with full server response
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
Check class docstirng for more info
- captcha_handler(task_payload: Dict) Dict[str, Any] ¶
Synchronous method for captcha solving
- Parameters:
task_payload (Dict) – Some additional parameters that will be used in creating the task and will be passed to the payload under
key. LikewebsiteURL
and etc. more info in service docs- Returns:
Dict with full server response
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
Check class docstirng for more info