To import this module:
from python3_capsolver.core import captcha_instrument
- class python3_capsolver.core.captcha_instrument.FileInstrument¶
This class contains usefull methods for async and async files processing to prepare them for solving
>>> from python3_capsolver.core.captcha_instrument import FileInstrument >>> body = FileInstrument().file_processing(captcha_file="captcha_example.jpeg") /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUVxxxxx
>>> from python3_capsolver.core.captcha_instrument import FileInstrument >>> body = FileInstrument().file_processing(captcha_link="https://some-url/file.jpeg") /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUVxxxxx
- Returns:
String with decoded file data
- file_processing(captcha_link: str | None = None, captcha_file: str | None = None, captcha_base64: bytes | None = None, save_format: SaveFormatsEnm = SaveFormatsEnm.TEMP, img_clearing: bool = True, file_path: str = '/tmp/', file_extension: str = 'png', **kwargs) str ¶
- Synchronous method for captcha image processing.
Method can read local file and return it’s as base64 string.
Method can read file URL and return it’s as base64 string.
Method can decode base64 bytes and return it’s as base64 string.
- Parameters:
captcha_link (str | None) – URL link to file. Instrument will send GET request to it and read content
captcha_file (str | None) – Local file path. Instrument will read it
captcha_base64 (bytes | None) – Readed file base64 data. Instrument will decode it in
save_format (SaveFormatsEnm) – This arg works only with
arg. IfSaveFormatsEnm.CONST
is set - file will be loaded and saved locally.img_clearing (bool) – This arg works only with
arg. IfFalse
- file wil not be removed downloading and saving locally.file_path (str) – This arg works only with
args. In this param u can set locally path for downloaded file saving.file_extension (str) – This arg works only with
args. In this param u MUST set file format for saving.
>>> from python3_capsolver.core.captcha_instrument import FileInstrument >>> body = FileInstrument().file_processing(captcha_file="captcha_example.jpeg") /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUVxxxxx
- Returns:
String with decoded file data
- Return type:
- async aio_file_processing(captcha_link: str | None = None, captcha_file: str | None = None, captcha_base64: bytes | None = None, save_format: SaveFormatsEnm = SaveFormatsEnm.TEMP, img_clearing: bool = True, file_path: str = '/tmp/', file_extension: str = 'png', **kwargs) str ¶
- Asynchronous method for captcha image processing.
Method can read local file and return it’s as base64 string.
Method can read file URL and return it’s as base64 string.
Method can decode base64 bytes and return it’s as base64 string.
- Parameters:
captcha_link (str | None) – URL link to file. Instrument will send GET request to it and read content
captcha_file (str | None) – Local file path. Instrument will read it
captcha_base64 (bytes | None) – Readed file base64 data. Instrument will decode it in
save_format (SaveFormatsEnm) – This arg works only with
arg. IfSaveFormatsEnm.CONST
is set - file will be loaded and saved locally.img_clearing (bool) – This arg works only with
arg. IfFalse
- file wil not be removed downloading and saving locally.file_path (str) – This arg works only with
args. In this param u can set locally path for downloaded file saving.file_extension (str) – This arg works only with
args. In this param u MUST set file format for saving.
>>> import asyncio >>> from python3_capsolver.core.captcha_instrument import FileInstrument >>> body = ... .aio_file_processing(captcha_file="captcha_example.jpeg")) /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUVxxxxx
- Returns:
String with decoded file data
- Return type: