To import this module:
from python_rucaptcha.rotate_captcha import RotateCaptcha
- class python_rucaptcha.rotate_captcha.RotateCaptcha(save_format: str | SaveFormatsEnm = SaveFormatsEnm.TEMP, img_clearing: bool = True, img_path: str = 'PythonRotateCaptchaFiles', *args, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(save_format: str | SaveFormatsEnm = SaveFormatsEnm.TEMP, img_clearing: bool = True, img_path: str = 'PythonRotateCaptchaFiles', *args, **kwargs)¶
The class is used to work with Rotate Captcha.
- Parameters:
method – Captcha type
kwargs – Not required params for task creation request
>>> RotateCaptcha(rucaptcha_key="aa9011f31111181111168611f1151122", ... ).captcha_handler(captcha_file="examples/rotate/rotate_ex.png") { "errorId":0, "status":"ready", "solution":{ "rotate":180 }, "cost":"0.0005", "ip":"", "createTime":1692863536, "endTime":1692863556, "solveCount":1, "taskId": 73043008354 }
>>> with open("src/examples/rotate/rotate_ex.png", "rb") as f: ... file_data = >>> RotateCaptcha(rucaptcha_key="aa9011f31111181111168611f1151122" ... ).captcha_handler(captcha_base64=file_data) { "errorId":0, "status":"ready", "solution":{ "rotate":180 }, "cost":"0.0005", "ip":"", "createTime":1692863536, "endTime":1692863556, "solveCount":1, "taskId": 73043008354 }
>>> await RotateCaptcha(rucaptcha_key="aa9011f31111181111168611f1151122", ... ).aio_captcha_handler(captcha_file="examples/rotate/rotate_ex.png") { "errorId":0, "status":"ready", "solution":{ "rotate":180 }, "cost":"0.0005", "ip":"", "createTime":1692863536, "endTime":1692863556, "solveCount":1, "taskId": 73043008354 }
>>> await RotateCaptcha(rucaptcha_key="aa9011f31111181111168611f1151122", ... angle=45).aio_captcha_handler( ... captcha_file="examples/rotate/rotate_ex.png") { "errorId":0, "status":"ready", "solution":{ "rotate":90 }, "cost":"0.0005", "ip":"", "createTime":1692863536, "endTime":1692863556, "solveCount":1, "taskId": 73043008354 }
>>> with open("src/examples/rotate/rotate_ex.png", "rb") as f: ... file_data = >>> await RotateCaptcha(rucaptcha_key="aa9011f31111181111168611f1151122" ... ).aio_captcha_handler(captcha_base64=file_data) { "errorId":0, "status":"ready", "solution":{ "rotate":180 }, "cost":"0.0005", "ip":"", "createTime":1692863536, "endTime":1692863556, "solveCount":1, "taskId": 73043008354 }
- Returns:
Dict with full server response
- captcha_handler(captcha_link: str | None = None, captcha_file: str | None = None, captcha_base64: bytes | None = None, **kwargs)¶
Async solving method
- Parameters:
captcha_link (str | None) – Captcha image URL
captcha_file (str | None) – Captcha image file path
captcha_base64 (bytes | None) – Captcha image BASE64 info
kwargs – additional params for requests library
- Returns:
Dict with full server response
Check class docstirng for more info
- async aio_captcha_handler(captcha_link: str | None = None, captcha_file: str | None = None, captcha_base64: bytes | None = None, **kwargs)¶
Async solving method
- Parameters:
captcha_link (str | None) – Captcha image URL
captcha_file (str | None) – Captcha image file path
captcha_base64 (bytes | None) – Captcha image BASE64 info
kwargs – additional params for aiohttp library
- Returns:
Dict with full server response
Check class docstirng for more info